Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Real Me

I took a quiz on Facebook called The Real You. It had ten questions, which I answered honestly. The following is the result of the quiz and what it had to say about the real me.

The Silk Screen - Whether it is to a friend or not, you shield yourself. You hide behind a silk screen whenever you're scared or nervous. You hide from people, especially yourself. You don't know your true self... yet. You believe that if you let people find out the real you, you will soon be betrayed. However, being under a silk screen, people can see what you're truly hiding. Your friends will always be there to talk to, but you just need to work up the courage to tell them what's on your mind. You shouldn't be scared of what's coming up next in your life. You need to embrace your inner self. Take action now. Sooner or later, you will need to face the music.

I was surprised by this description as there is some truth to it. In fact, I was thinking about just this same thing yesterday when I was watching one of my favorite tv show (in rerun), 7th Heaven. Lucy was giving her first sermon since becoming associate pastor of her dad’s church. Her sermon topic was about teen sex. She talked about reasons teens have sex, but what caught my attention was what she said about knowing yourself and finding your passion. I thought, “Do I really know myself?” I had never stopped to think about it. I believe I go through life just accepting what comes my way. Just how do you get to know yourself? A Google search brought up someone’s blog that listed these things: 1) discover your talents; 2) discover your purpose; 3) realize your passions; and 4) empower your beliefs.  Wow, this is deep. 

It's going to take some time, but I think I will begin a new journey and see what I can discover about “The Real Me.”

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