Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Power of the Number Nine

The number nine is an amazing little number. It is the only number when multiplied by another number where the sum of the digits in the product will always add up to nine. Example, 9 x 9 = 81 and 8 + 1 = 9. No matter what number you use, it will always come out to 9. It's pretty cool, especially when you do it with a large number. Try it.

Many years ago I took a class in marketing and heard about a different power of the number nine, a psychological power. Go in any store today and you will find items priced at $9.99 instead of $10.00, $59.99 instead of $60.00, and so on. They say when consumers see the price, the brain focuses mainly on the first part of the number. It sees $9.99 as $9.00 and not $10.00. I have done this myself. I wonder if it works the same with age.

Today at 8:20 a.m. I turned 59 years old. This will be the last year I can say I'm in my 50's. I know some people who still say they are 39, refusing to age one more year. There's something about starting a new decade that makes you want to do anything to try to avoid it. I think the only time it doesn't happen is when you are 9 or 19; then you can't wait to get to the next decade.

This whole thing about age is really all in your head. I still think of myself at times as 37, the age I was when I met Rick. It’s only when I look in the mirror that I’m brought back to reality. When I think back to the time when Jeffrey was born, I immediately become that young and naive nineteen year old girl again. You can travel all through your life in your mind by remembering how old you were when…and just fill in the blank. What a fascinating tool God blessed us with, our minds.

Mark Twain was quoted as saying, "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." I think I will listen to Mark Twain. It really doesn’t matter how old I get; I can’t stop it from happening, so why fret about it. I will savor my 59th year not because it’s the last year in my 50’s, but because of what it represents – another milestone in my life. I’ll take as many as God will give me and be thankful for each one.

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