Thursday, March 8, 2012

Where Have I Been?

It’s been 547 days since my last blog post.  That’s a long time.  It was September 8, 2010 and I posted about two friends who had died only weeks apart.  I don’t know why I stopped writing since I enjoy it so much.  So let me reexamine those 547 days and see what may have been the reason I quit writing. 

We were still in Mobile Alabama in September of 2010.  The holidays were quickly approaching.  We went to my brother’s for Thanksgiving.  Then in December Rick was laid off from his job.  In January 2011 I went to San Diego to celebrate my granddaughter’s 16th birthday and my 60th.  In March 2011 Rick got another job, but it was only for a few weeks.  So we left Mobile for Benton Arkansas.  This was the start of our journey across the states.  In the next 12 months we traveled 4,248 miles (and that’s not counting any side trips we took while our RV was parked) looking for long term work but finding only short term jobs.  In total, Rick worked only 13 weeks in 2011.  Pretty sad.

As you can see, all this traveling around the country may have been the reason I stopped writing.  Or it may have been because Rick was home so much of the time and the presence of another person in my creative space stifled my creative juices.

Or just maybe the deaths of these two people were the reason.  That post moved me as I wrote it, after I posted it and even as I reflect on it today.  It was my opportunity to get the message of Jesus out there.  I don’t know how many people stumbled upon my blog simply by clicking on the NEXT BLOG link, but I have to believe some did.  By leaving that September 8, 2010 post up for 547 days, there’s no telling how many people might have read it.  And of those that read it, how many asked themselves the question, “Am I ready?”  I choose to believe that is the question for today and for all the tomorrows until Jesus comes again.


~ P

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