Monday, March 26, 2012


Have you seen and heard the latest Target commercial that uses the French children’s song Alouette?  As soon as the commercial started to play, I began singing along and I knew all the words!  This amazed me!  When had I learned this song?  I imagine it was sometime back in early childhood, but I can’t say when or where. 

I went online and looked up the song on Wikipedia.  There it gave the translation of the words I had learned so many years ago.

Alouette, gentille Alouette
Lark, nice lark

Alouette, je te plumerai
Lark, I shall pluck you

Je te plumerai la tête
I shall pluck your head

(Je te plumerai la tête)
(I shall pluck your head)

Et la tête
And your head

(Et la tête)
(And your head)



Alouette, gentille Alouette
Alouette, je te plumerai

The song continues with verses about plucking feathers from the lark’s beak, neck, back, wings, feet and tail.  Pretty gruesome.  Doesn’t sound like a children’s song to me!   But it does have a catchy melody. 

The fact that I could remember all the words to this song makes me wonder what else I have forgotten that I used to know.  What other songs, poems, stories, people, places, etc. are in there just waiting for a trigger to be pulled so it can be released?  Only time will tell.

Au Revoir,

~ P

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