Friday, March 23, 2012

Change Is Good

It’s time for a change.  I’ve changed several things about my blog—the design, the colors, the fonts, my picture, the blog description, and the URL (web address); but the most important change I made is the name.  I just didn’t think the title “At Home With My Thoughts” fit anymore.  Oh, I’m still at home and I still have thoughts, but I just didn’t think it was me.

A while back I came up with a title for a book should I ever write one.  I thought it was important to nail down the book’s title to set the direction of the book.  I’ve heard said that you should write what you know.  So the title of the book was going to be “Memoirs of an EXTRA Ordinary Woman” and it would be a story about my life. 

(Sidebar—I came up with that title one night while trying to go to sleep.    Did you notice that the main words spelled out MEOW? You all know how much I love cats!!)

So here I was with this fantastic book title and no book.  I really think writing a book is going to be a bucket list item that I will take to the grave.  And that’s okay.  So I thought the next best thing to do with the title was to use it as the name of my blog.  I believe “Memoirs of an EXTRA Ordinary Woman” fits me better.  I can be ordinary and even extra ordinary at times, but I can also be extraordinary.  My blog contains stories from my life about me and the people I know, so it is like my life story only told in short stories.  I like it, I like it a lot!

My old web address was and I always thought it was such a mouthful!  My new web address is and I think it is easier to remember (cat’s meow, pat’s meow…get it?). 

If any of you are reading my blog for the first time, I hope you will take some time to read a few posts.  I guarantee you some are ordinary, some are even extra ordinary, but some you will find to be extraordinary for sure.


~ P

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