Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dream a Little Dream

Have you ever seen the movie Inception?  It came out in theaters back in July, 2010.  I’ve seen it three times and this last time was just a few days ago.  I think I’m finally beginning to understand that movie!  If you haven’t seen it, it’s the one where Leonardo DiCaprio and friends enter a person’s dream to steal secrets.  It’s a far out theory and was kind of confusing the first time I saw it.  Dreams can be confusing too.  They can also be funny, weird and strange.

My dreams are all over the place.  One minute I’m here, the next minute I’m there.  I can’t tell you who is in the dream with me because I can’t see their faces.  And when I wake up, I only remember the dream for a few seconds before it vanishes into the land of forgotten dreams.  Sometimes all I get from a dream is a feeling.  I’ll wake up frightened and sometimes even sobbing, thankful that I was only dreaming.  Other times I wake up wondering where in the heck that dream came from!

Last night I dreamed my car was stolen.  As soon as I woke up, I got out of bed to write down what I could remember.  I don't normally do this, but this time the dream was very clear in my mind.  This is my dream:

I am living in an apartment complex. I leave the apartment to go to work.  I have one of those big shopping bags in my hand.  I can’t find my car.  I calmly walk up and down the parking area several times looking for my car.  I walk to the building next to mine to catch a ride to work with a friend.  My friend also goes looking for my car but can’t find it either.
I call the police and they say there is a problem because the state of Georgia said I had registered the car in 16 different states.  I ask the police how they know I used to live in Georgia and they tell me they can see everything about my car in every state I lived in using the VIN number.  I explain about Rick being a construction worker and we have lived in all those states because of his job.  I hang up and wait for them to call me back.
Scene change.  It’s Thanksgiving.  We are having a big feast.  I am with another lady.  I think (more like feel) she is my mother-in-law but I can’t see her face.  (She reminds me of Jamie Lee Curtis.)  I tell her I was invited to another Thanksgiving dinner.  She says we should go and only eat a little.  I go for the mash potatoes first and put two big spoonfuls on my plate with gravy.  My mother-in-law gives me a funny look as she sees all the mash potatoes on my plate.  We look for a place to sit down.  There are rows and rows of tables with people sitting at them.  We stand there looking at everyone.
The dream ends and I wake up.

This is a pretty weird dream, even for me.  There's almost nothing that's right.  I don’t live in an apartment.  I don’t have a job.  My car was not stolen. While I have lived in 16 different states, my car has been registered in only two, Illinois and Texas, and not at the same time.  It’s not Thanksgiving.  My mother-in-law looked nothing like Jamie Lee Curtis when she went to heaven in 2000.  And while I have sometimes been known to eat mashed potatoes, they would not be the first thing I put on my plate and I would never take two big spoonfuls.  I don’t like them that much.  But I would put gravy on them for sure.

So what is this dream trying to tell me?  Be careful with my car?  I might lose something?  I should get a job?  Don’t eat too much?  I believe there is always some truth in what you dream.  I'll be careful with my car and leave it at that.
In the next few days, I will post about two dreams Rick had last year that I think you will enjoy.  For now I will toss this dream in with the other nonsensical dreams I’ve had.  But there is one question I would like answered.  What was in that shopping bag?  Any ideas?
Sweet dreams,
~ P

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