Saturday, February 20, 2010

Things I Hated This Week

Stuff happens…sometimes it’s good and sometimes it’s bad. Here are a few things that happened this past week that I didn’t particularly like.

I hate it when you’re frying bacon and the grease splashes you on the hand or worse in the face. I also hate the mess that frying bacon makes, but cooking it in the microwave is not an option for me. It tastes like cardboard doing it that way. And if you’re going to eat bacon, you might as well get all the flavor out of it you can.

I hate putting on a new roll of toilet paper. ‘Nuff said about that! BTW, in our house we like it OVER. I’ve seen those Cottonelle commercials with their Roll Poll. According to the latest results (yes I looked it up on their website) OVER is ahead at 78% while UNDER is at 22%. Nice to know I’m in the majority. My mom rolls Under to prevent her cats from unrolling an entire roll of tp just for the fun of it. Sorry, just had to throw that in. Maybe that 22% has cats. Hmmmm.

I hate it when the bar of soap in the shower gets so thin you can barely pick it up without breaking it. You have to use your nails to get it unstuck then you get soap under your fingernails. I use liquid body wash but like Oil of Oley for my face.

I hate picking up cat hairballs, or as I call them cat fingers because that’s what they look like. And why can’t my cat’s throw up on the linoleum floor? No they like the carpet. Anybody seen my OxiClean?

I hate it that as soon as a show goes to commercial break Rick will change the channel to another program, but guess what, it’s on commercial break too so we end up watching parts of 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 different commercials. What am I talking about, that’s not just this week, that’s every week!

Speaking of commercials, I hate it that they get so loud, much louder than the program I’m watching. You have to turn down the volume of the commercial then turn it back up for the program. Why do they do that? Do they think we’re deaf? Besides, don’t they realize all the men are switching channels anyway? When are they going to fix that? I hear there’s a bill in Congress to fix that. Is that what Washington thinks is important? If so, we’re in more trouble than we think.

Speaking of Washington, I hate it that they won’t call Glenn Beck and talk to him about the issues he’s been bringing up on his TV show. Is it because he’s right and they think if they don’t say anything he will go away? He won’t. And he went through all that trouble installing a special red phone for them to call him directly. Hello? Washington? Call Glenn Beck please and let’s get all these questions answered.

I hate it when the judges on American Idol make those kids suffer while they hem and haw around then finally tell them they made it (or didn’t) to the next round. What? Are they sadists or something? How cruel is that? Does it make for good TV? Is that why they do it? Not to me it doesn’t. Why don’t they just give them an envelope with either a YES or NO inside and be done with it. No, they have to make it dramatic and drag out the show.

I hate it that the guide on DirecTV doesn’t tell you if a program is a rerun or if it’s new. Is that so hard? I can go on YahooTV and it will show if it’s a rerun, why can’t DirecTV do that? I got all settled in to watch House this week and it was a rerun. Bummer.

I hate it when I’ve just finished reading a good book. After all that time I’ve spent with the characters, it’s like I know them personally. Once I close a book for good, I have to wait a few days, sometimes weeks, before I’ll pick up a new one; that is unless there’s a sequel with the same characters, then I’ll jump right in. I read all 14 books in the Left Behind series, all 7 Harry Potter books and all 7 stories in the Chronicles of Narnia. I love books in a series. I like to read Jeffrey Deavers but only his books which feature the character Lincoln Rhyme. I love a good character.

Lastly, I hated that Rick failed his welding test yesterday. It was for a two month job in North Carolina. I was afraid it would shake his confidence, but I don't think it has. There will be other tests and other opportunities. Plus things seem to be opening up in the construction business and he still has some irons in the fire.

That’s it, I’m done. Whew, there were a lot of things I didn’t like this week. I hope next week is better. I think I’ll take a more positive approach. I read somewhere that every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day. Now it’s up to me to find the good.

1 comment:

  1. this was hysterical. I loved it. I hate the soap thing too lol
