Friday, February 12, 2010

School's Out

Rick is coming to the end of his pipe welding classes.  He's been at it since October.  Now begins the hard part of finding a job and putting all that new knowledge to work. I have started emailing his resume to the masses while he searches and chats with people on, a website chat room visited by recruiters, other unemployeds, and people who have information and want to help others find jobs too.  Rick already has one possibility which will entail us going back to Jackson, Georgia and working at the power plant he tried to get on with last September.  We'll see what happens with that.  He has to call back the pipe superintendent on Monday.  Please pray for him.

I'm so ready for this part of our life (the unemployed part) to be over.  I am ready for a fresh start.  The construction business is so day you're in and the next day you're out.  Hmmm, that sounds familiar, oh well, what I mean is that all it takes is a crossed eyed look at someone and you can be out the door looking for a job again (well maybe not that easy but close).  I think if we had known this at the start, maybe Rick would have decided on another career.  But, and there is always a but, Rick has so much invested in welding, education and equipment wise, that we can't give up on it now.  Besides, he really likes welding and I have signed on as his wife to support him in anything he decides to do.

So please wish us well as we begin this phase of calling, faxing, emailing, chat posting and doing whatever else it takes to find a job and get settled in a town we can call home for a while.  God has surely taken us on a bumpy ride these last ten months.  Although we have never lost faith, we are ready to get out of the truck.

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