Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Please Feed My Fish

I did something interesting recently, something that opened up a whole new world for me…I clicked on the “Next Blog” link at the top of my blog page. I discovered other blog pages like mine, filled with others people’s thoughts and experiences. Some were very interesting, some not so much. Lots had to do with family, travel and cooking. What I noticed about many of these blogs was the way they looked…very decorative and creative. These blogs had links to sites that offered free backgrounds, banners, buttons and blinkies...just what my blog needed.   Below is one of the things I found that I've added to my blog page.  You just click inside the tank and the fish will swim and eat the food.  How clever is that?  Give it a try, but watch out, it can get addicting! [This feature has been removed]

I hope you like the new look of my blog page, but if you don't, that's ok.  Who knows, the next time you visit it may look different again.  Like I said, a whole new world has opened up for me and I'm having fun experimenting with all the possibilities.

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