Thursday, April 8, 2010

It's a new dawn . . .

8:12 am. I’m sitting here at the computer staring out the dining room window… waiting.

About two hours ago it was pouring down rain. I’m glad, my car really needed a washing. I didn’t get up from bed; instead I just laid there praying. The rain has stopped now and all that’s left are some puddles in the road.

I can see about seven other RVs from this window. No one’s outside yet. Most people are already at work. Wait, a lady just came out carrying an umbrella and something else. Aw, it’s one of those cute little toy dogs, looks like a Chihuahua from here. “Yo quiero Taco Bell!” She puts little Taco on the ground and begins to walk. Makes me glad I have cats. Other people are now starting to move around, someone walking towards the laundry room, another taking trash to the dumpster. A few cars are coming and going. The day has begun for sure despite the fact that I can’t see the sun. But I know it’s there shinning down on me and all the earth.

9:20 am. I can see a few patches of blue sky begin to peek through the clouds. I can hear one very loud bird singing. Are these signs? I glance at my watch… that’s good I say to myself. I continue to wait.

I try to keep my mind occupied. I feed the cats, eat breakfast, take a shower. I don’t dry my hair because the blow dryer is too loud. Who knows what it will look like later? I don’t care. Back on the internet I check my emails, sign on to Facebook where I write a few comments, play a game of Farkle, and visit my Island Paradise.

10:23 am. Still waiting. The more time that goes by, the better I tell myself.

The microwave timer goes off. Time to drink more water. I’ve been trying to drink 10 glasses of water a day. I haven’t been successful until I started setting the timer every 30 minutes. When the timer goes off, I drink 9 swallows. It takes 1 ½ hours to drink one bottle equal to 2 glasses. It works well on days I stay at home. If I’m out and about, then it’s hit and miss and I have to drink more in the evening.

I’m listening to the song “Nothing Without You.” It’s on my playlist that’s on my blog page. Such a good song for me to listen to while I’m waiting. In fact, they are all good. All these songs help me focus on the one sure constant in my life… Jesus. What do people who don’t have Jesus in their life do when they need help? Who do they cry out to? Where do they get their hope from? I can only imagine.

11:38 am. The slow internet connection is driving me crazy. Grrr!! I turn on the television to Fox News. They talk about Obama, the deficit, the healthcare bill. I switch channels and stop at a movie, the 2005 remake of H. G. Wells’ “War of the Worlds.” The original was better. I turn the television off… I hate daytime tv. I also hate waiting.

12:24 pm… the phone rings… FINALLY…. It's Rick. My wait is over. I answer quickly.  I try to guess what he is going to say.  He says, "Do you want the good news or the bad news?"  Oh, I can't handle any more bad news.  Then, on the one year anniversary of Rick being out of work, after the endless phone calls and emails, after going back to school to upgrade his skills, after the many prayers by us and our dear friends and family, after all the disappointments we've endured over the last 12 months, he says, "I got the job."

And all I can say is God is good!!

"It's a new dawn . . .

          it's a new day . . .

                    it's a new life . . .

                              for me . . .

                                                       and I'm feeling good."


  1. What was the bad news? That you are stuck in Alabama? LOL J/K

  2. The bad news was that he may have to work on Sunday which would prevent him from going to church. We don't feel "stuck" we feel blessed to be here. After being unemployed for a year, we are just happy to be working... anywhere.
