Friday, March 19, 2010

We're Off to See the Wizard

Since beginning our life on the road, we have been to a lot of different cities and states.  It's like being on the Yellow Brick Road.  Each time we leave a place, we feel like we're off to see the Wizard, the Wizard being any company where we can find employment.  Well, we left South Carolina last week and headed to Pascagoula, Mississippi to find the Wizard.  I thought it only fitting to say goodbye to the people and places in and around Greenville and Piedmont, South Carolina who have touch our lives during the five months we lived there.

Goodbye Ivy Acres RV Park. With your park like setting, it felt like we were out in country yet we were never more than 15-20 minutes away from anywhere in Greenville. We enjoyed the curb-side garbage pickup and having our own private mailing address.

Goodbye Missy, the RV park cat. Even though we “adopted” you while we were living here, fed you each day and  gave you shelter (outside) when it was cold or snowy, it breaks our hearts that we could not take you with us when we left. Three cats in an RV is one too many. I will miss our walks to the mailbox and seeing you sitting on the RV steps each morning. You’re a good cat and I hope you find a home someday.

Goodbye Copper River Grill. You were by far our favorite restaurant here. Your house salad is the best salad we ever had…mixed greens with diced black forest ham, cheese, hard boiled eggs, bacon bits, sliced almonds, all topped with the best honey mustard hot bacon dressing you ever tasted and you even included a hot croissant drizzled with honey . . . absolutely to die for.

Goodbye Mr. K’s Used Book Store. I was able to trade my used books in for credit against other used books. I got them for a fraction of the price they were when new. I was a reading machine while I was here! I stocked up before I left and now have about a dozen books to read.

Goodbye Callahan’s Family Restaurant. You serve the best Sunday-after-church fried chicken I have ever eaten! And your hamburgers were good too!

Goodbye Dr. Tucker at Greenville Eyecare Associates. You really blessed my heart with your generosity and compassion (see blog post One Act of Random Kindness).

Goodbye Fluor. Thank you for offering the Pipe Upgrade program for only $6/day. Rick has learned much from Austin the instructor and leaves with confidence in his pipe welding abilities. It’s too bad you took your time getting back to us regarding that job in Juliette, Georgia. You would have liked having Rick as an employee. Your loss.

Goodbye FGS Hardware Store. There is nothing better than a small town hardware store. You get personalized friendly service every time you visit. This is where we got our propane and discovered lye soap. It’s amazing stuff and good for your skin.

Even though it’s tough to say goodbye, I know there is a hello waiting on the other side. A new city is always exciting for us. The chance to explore the area in hopes of finding other great people and places is what life is all about.


  1. Of all your blogs you have written that have touched me, this one touched my heart the most. Saying goodbye is always hard. "some people come in to our lives for a season and others leave footprints on our hearts and we are never the same" There is more to come Pat.
    Your sister in Christ,

  2. Nice piece. Hope the Wizard gets you what you need. Seems to me that you already have courage, brains and a heart. You inspired me to start a blog,
    I am not revealing this blog to all just yet but the first post, now filed, is a response to this post you wrote.
