Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Top Ten

I’m not a huge fan of Dave Letterman, but I do like his Top Ten lists. Sometimes they are funny, sometimes I change the channel. I decided it was time to make up a Top Ten list of my own.  I know this topic has been done before, but just stay with me. Ok?  So here we go.

Here are the top ten lessons I’ve learned from watching my cats.

Number Ten:
Sometimes it’s better to say nothing.
The look on your face will say it all.

Number Nine:
Be picky about what you eat.
If you’re going to consume calories,
they might as well taste good.

Number Eight:
Make sure you get enough sleep –
8 hours are good, 10 are better, but 12 is way too much and might label you a slacker.

Number Seven:
Good grooming is imperative. Bad hair day are NOT something you want to have.

Number Six:
If something frightens you, run first, ask
questions later. There’s no shame in
being called a scaredy cat. Own it!

 Number Five:
If you do something stupid, you might as well laugh at yourself. Others will.

Number Four:
Pick your battles.
You're not gonna win every fight.

 Number Three:
The road of life will get bumpy. Just hang on!
Your faith in God will get you through. 

Number Two:
If you’re curious, investigate.
I use Google, Bing and

 And the Number One lesson
I’ve learned from watching my cats is:
Cover up your mess so other people
won’t have to look at it. 

A special thanks to for these wonderful pictures of our feline friends.

And thank you Lucky, Halle, Petey, Puss Puss, Spencer, Tracy, Rusty, Blackie, and Stinker, my precious cats past and present.

You have taught me well!

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