Thursday, September 20, 2012

i i w i i

The other night Rick and I were watching television and he heard someone in the show say, “It is what it is.”  He told me he's been hearing that phrase a lot lately, especially on the job.  He thought it was new but I told him I thought it has been around for a while. 

A trip to the Urban Dictionary website gave “It is what it is” several definitions:

1.   When something happens and you must live with the results.

2.   A remark made in apathy to something not of interest to the person who has an ‘I don’t care’ attitude.

3.   A statement indicating what was said to be truthful.

4.   A statement telling someone to just deal with it.

So how are people you know using this phrase? 

I myself have never used it.  It doesn’t come natural to my choice of words [but it may after I post this blog].  Here are a few examples of how I would respond to Rick using this cliché.

[Definition 1]

Rick:  “I got laid off from work today.”

Pat:  “It is what it is.” 

[Definition 2]

Rick:  “I can’t watch the Cowboy’s game because it’s blacked out!”

Pat:  “It is what it is.” 

[Definition 3]

Rick:  “I’ll never figure out how to use this new iphone!”

Pat:  “It is what it is.” 

[Definition 4]

Rick:  “Why am I the one who always has to do the driving?”

Pat:  “It is what it is.”

As you can see, it fits nicely into each of these examples, but in reality I would be much more sympathetic in my responses. “It is what it is” denotes a boring response void of emotion and that is just not me. 

The jury is still out as to whether I like this phrase or not.  It’s catchy and has a nice acronym (iiwii—wii on steroids).  I’m sure it has a place in our English language as does the seeming limitless number of clichés I found on the web.  Check them out at  You will note that “it is what it is” is not among them…at least not yet. 

That’s all I have for now.  

It is what it is.  [Definitions 1, 3, and 4 but never 2]

~ P

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