Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Rope

It's raining here today in Blacksburg, SC.  It started last night and has rained on and off all day.  It's hard to get motivated when it's raining.  It's a good time to take a nap, watch an old movie or play Words With Friends on Facebook.

That's what I was doing when I found myself sitting idle waiting for my opponents (I have 7 games going at the moment) to play their words.  While waiting, I decided to organize my Pictures folder on my computer's hard drive. 

I started with pictures of my cats (naturally).  I noticed I had cat pictures in several different folders.  I started searching for all my cat pictures and moving them into one folder.  In one particular folder that had a bunch of different pictures, I came upon these.

I received them in an email.  The subject line was THE ROPE.  The date I saved the pictures was 9/1/2006, so I've had them for quite a few years and didn't remember that I'd saved them.  Stumbling on to them today seemed like a wink from God.  There's a message here I believe He wants me to share with you.  You may have seen this before, but it is worthy of repeating.

Isaiah 41:13 (NIV) says, "For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you."

Whatever it is that you may be going through, holding on to, or trying to get away from, just let go and let God.

~ P

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