Sunday, August 26, 2012


What type of person are you? 

Do you open yourself up like a book, revealing each and every sentence of your life? Or are you the type of person that keeps people guessing and second guessing about who you are?  I, probably like very many of you, fall somewhere in the middle.   

I open up to those I know, but don’t reveal too much.  We all have our secrets and I certainly have my share. It’s not that they are necessarily all bad.  Some are embarrassing, some too personal that only people who are really close to me should know, and others are just too insignificant that I’ve never bothered to tell anyone because the subject never came up. 

Today I thought it would be fun to reveal something insignificant about myself that might give you a little insight into who I am.

I used to watch and enjoy WWF Wrestling!  OMG!!  I can’t believe I just revealed that about myself!!  But it’s true. 

Back in the early 90’s when Rick and I were married just a short time, we met Bob and Peg who lived in our apartment complex in Orlando, Florida.  They loved the WWF and would watch it on television.  Peg frequently invited us over on Friday nights to watch with them.  We instantly became hooked. 

We were so hooked that we started watching on our own whenever we saw WWF playing on TV.  We tuned in to the likes of Hulk Hogan and Randy “Macho Man” Savage and a host of many other wrestling stars of that time.  They became our new virtual friends. 

One time we, along with Bob and Peg and another couple, chipped in and purchased a WWF Wrestlemania extravaganza playing on HBO as a pay-per-view event.  I think it cost somewhere around $50 to purchase.  I remember we were all sitting around the TV munching goodies, drinking cokes and yelling for our favorite wrestlers.  This sounds insane to me now! 

AND…we even took it a step further.  The four of us actually paid and went to a live performance of the WWF at the Orlando Convention Center.  The tickets we purchased were great—a few rows from the front.  But this turned out to be a negative once the show started. 

I could see with each move made and each stunt pulled how it was all staged and choreographed.  I was mortified to be sitting there in the midst of a thousand screaming fans.  Did they really believe The Hulk was beating the heck out of Macho Man?  That did it for me.  It was over.  I had seen too much to ever go back to cheering for The Hulk or any of them for that matter. 

Today there is no more wrestling in my television lineup.  But there is Survivor.  I have seen every season of Survivor since it began in the year 2000.  While I am a fan of the show, I am glad that I am not able to go and see it in person.  You see, I am not so sure that IT isn’t a little bit staged and choreographed. 

So now you know a little known fact about me.  What do you think?  Are you shocked?  If you are, it’s ok.  We all have things in our life that we are not real proud of. 

~ P

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